pro bono

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Goldsea & Sands(”GSS”), this business name was registered originally for purpose of charity foundation by our principal lawyer. Today, it is unexpectedly become the name of her legal practice. As the mind of “Goldsea & Sands” has been always be, providing legal service and help to disadvantaged people is inevitable becoming real.
GSS is proudly registered with Law Society of NSW and Legal Aid for providing free services or services with reduced rate to people who in need. We committed to helping disadvantaged people.
If you need a Pro Bono assistance, please referred to Law Society or Legal Aid website and apply for Pro Bono scheme.
Alternatively, you can leave your details here for us attending your matter. We provide reduced fees and instalment payment to clients with financial difficulties.

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We provide free consultations via call, video call, email or social media for time and cost efficiency.

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